my breast reduction.

Ali Arnone
2 min readOct 30, 2022

Years spent with crippling neck, shoulder and back pain.

Years of unsolicited comments about my body, unwelcome attention or stares…from men and women.

Years of feeling hyper-sexualized because of something I can’t control.

Years of deleting unflattering photos or posing at certain angles where my chest looked smaller.

So many years spent trying to hide, minimize and cover myself.

Years of bras, bathing suits and clothes not fitting me right, or comfortably. Years of carefully curating a wardrobe that didn’t emphasize a part of my body I did not want emphasized.

Years of finding exercise challenging and painful, and years of pure discomfort… in every sense of the word.

my pre-opp visit with my surgeon

Until now.

I made a choice earlier this year to finally bite the bullet and go for a couple of consultations with local plastic surgeons, and the doctor I ultimately ended up choosing for my breast reduction made the decision to move forward a no-brainer.

Because of my medical history (herniated discs, chronic migraines, weekly chiropractor visits) and smaller frame, my insurance provider agreed to cover a significant portion of the surgery, which was great news. So, we got the surgery date on the calendar (October 28!) and I had several months to live life as a woman with triple-D’s.

always wanted to wear this camisole tank but couldn’t. can’t wait to try it on in a few weeks.

The surgery was a couple of days ago, and things went pretty well. I did have a rough first night with a pounding headache and subsequent nausea and vomiting from the anesthesia/meds, but once I got through that I began to turn a corner. Now? We focus on healing, recovery, scar care and practicing PATIENCE as I remind myself to take it slow and easy for the next few weeks.

I’m ALL for body positivity and self-love and all that good stuff, but this was so much more than a cosmetic procedure for me. I have a while before I can really see and feel the difference, but I’m so glad I did my research and ultimately took a step towards a healthier, lighter and happier future.

it’s go time! this is minutes before I got wheeled into surgery.
home and healing featuring my new sexy surgical bra

